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Appointment prices

  Standard Price
Consultations £52.00
Neutering £85.00 - £570.00
Vaccinations £51.50 - £90.00
Anal Gland Express £50.00
Healthy Pet Check £52.00
Nail Clip £38.00
Euthanasia £92.72 - £345.50

Payment Policy

Changes to Insurance and Debt management policy

We are writing to update you regarding some changes to our insurance claims processes and to our debt policy. 

Insurance claims

The volume of direct insurance claims (that is, a claim for which the insurance company pays us directly rather than making the payment to you first) being submitted has increased exponentially and is unsustainable for the practice moving forward. In order to continue to provide this service, we need to make the following changes: -

  • We will only process claims directly if (a) the insurer is on our list of approved insurers (a copy of which is available at our clinic) and (b) the claim is for an amount over £1,000.
  • We will apply a £40 Administration fee to each direct insurance claim.
  • We will no longer offer direct, continuation insurance claims, where the treatment is below £1000 or if the insurer is not on our approved, direct claim company list.
  • There will be a £10 Service fee applied to each non-direct insurance claim processed by the practice.
  • On-going treatment will need to be paid for at the time of consultation. We will assist you with your indirect claim, so that you can seek reimbursement directly from your insurer.  There will be a £10 Administration fee per claim, associated with this. 
  • As per our current Terms and Conditions, if we have not received payment from your insurer within 60 days, you will be requested to settle any outstanding balance in full. It is beneficial that you also make regular contact with your insurer, to check on the status of the claim.
  • Pet Health Club clients will continue to be able to access direct claims, over £1000, and indirect claims without the Administration fee (as long as the insurer is on our approved list), as this is part of your membership benefit.

Debt Management

Maltman Cosham would also like to take this opportunity to confirm some changes to our Debt Management processes: -

  • To politely remind clients that all treatment is payable at the time of consultation. 
  • Where there is any outstanding balance (including awaiting insurance payments or medication that has been ordered) a statement of outstanding accounts will be automatically issued at 7, 14 and 21 days.  After this date we are required to pass outstanding accounts onto the Central Debt Team at IVC Evidensia for further investigation, unless we are awaiting a direct insurance payment.

We are very open to receiving feedback from our clients, we understand that any change of policy, may directly impact you, however, we will not tolerate any abusive language or behaviour towards the team and therefore politely request that the team are treated respectfully.

Should you have any questions about these changes please do not hesitate to contact us.

These changes will take effect from 1st Jan 2024.

You are receiving this communication as a registered client of Maltman Cosham Veterinary Clinic.

In line with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) code of conduct, we are required to inform you of a change to our service provision


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